About Us

We are a vibrant, inclusive and thriving community group offering a range of activities, classes and groups.

Noviha UK is a membership registered organization which started in 1981 to promote the welfare and social needs of Ewes, their friends and families in the UK and Ghana. The organization has grown and involved over the years, and now noted for is community activities which includes promoting culture, supporting education, advocating for good health and relieving poverty for Ewes for the last 40 years.

We are governed by a Memorandum and Articles of Association incorporated on 28 AUGUST 2008.  the Charitable Objects of the organization are

Prevention/relief of poverty.
Advancement of education
Advancement of culture, heritage and traditions
Relief of need

Our Mission

Noviha UK exists to promote well-being, advocate self-reliance and create a sense of belonging for Ewes, their families, friends and people mostly from minority ethnic backgrounds in the UK and Ghana

Our Vision

Noviha aspires to be an enterprising social organisation running services and providing support that make a difference in communities and lives better than they are today

Meet Our Charity Trustees and Directors

Centuria Nunekpeku
Centuria NunekpekuPresident
John Kunutsor
John KunutsorVice President
Odilia Gamor
Odilia GamorSecretary
Josephine AfekuGoka
Josephine AfekuGokaAss. Secretary
Samuel Tsipotey
Samuel TsipoteyTreasurer
Freda Kuebunyah
Freda KuebunyahAss. Treasurer
John Fiadjoe
John FiadjoeWelfare Director
Mary Hall
Mary HallAss. Welfare Director
Selasi Jubey
Selasi JubeySocial Director
Janet Amable
Janet AmableAss. Social Director
Elisha Fiador
Elisha FiadorDevelopment Director
George Ocloo
George OclooAss. Development Director
Culture Director
Ass Culture Director
Youth Director
Ass Youth Director

A brief History of Noviha UK

Noviha UK was founded in London in September 1981. The name Noviha is translated to be (Association of Friends). This name was chosen to reflect the closeness and understanding that should bind all the members of the association.

It is a self-help group in response to the realities of life that faced many young Ghanaians, mainly students when they first arrived in the UK. Later it metamorphosed into a welfare association with membership open to all speakers of Ewe and friends of Eweland.

Its inaugural president was Mr. Banini succeeded by Mr. GK Goka and later Mr. BBK Ayivor under whose reign the association grew stronger, resilient and very useful.

The initial aims and objectives of the association which still permeates through its activities were to

  • Provide social and welfare support for members;
  • Foster good relationship among others;
  • Promote understanding between members and other cultures;
  • Maintain and promote Ewe culture, traditions and heritage;
  • Initiate and support poverty reduction projects in Eweland;

It must be accepted that we are foreigners in this land and that at certain times in our lives, we yearn to be in the company of fellow countrymen and to be treated like one.

The association grew from strength to strength. In 2008, the association formalized its existence as a charitable company by registering as a company limited by Guarantee and later with the Charity Commission of England and Wales on 17 September 2008 as a charity with the number 1125922 with the aims of helping those less fortunately than members.

The charity ensures that its members are supported and support each other in whatever means necessary in good times as well as not good times. It runs various departments including Welfare, Social, Development, Finance, Culture, Youth. Each of them is manned by a director with an assistant.

The charity continues to forge strong links with the Ghana Union, other Ghanaian associations in the UK and the Ghana High Commission

Our Patrons

Togbi Akumey Geli
Togbi Akumey Geli
Torgbi Agudzeamega
Torgbi Agudzeamega